Der BLICK und das SAGEN – Zur Abkopplung des Ichs
The LOOK and the SAY- On the disconnection of the ego
The central thesis already sounds in the subtitle: “the disconnection of the ego”.
The uncoupling represents a necessary condition for the time-conditioned expansion. The present book reads like a plea for the fact that there can be no final decoupling.
If one is guided by technical parameters, a decoupling of earthly humanity by technology would be announced. In this scenario ‘artificial intelligence’ and advancing ‘machines’ seem to take power
This technological future scenario is currently predominant. If one follows the technological paradigm alone, a dialectic of connection and disconnection would be teleologically predetermined. This is vehemently contradicted in “Blick und Sagen”.
Softcover: 672 pages
Munic: edition Metzel 2020