The Kiosk (Der Kiosk)


The Kiosk (Der Kiosk)
From an exquisite magnificent building to a run-of-the-mill store

Since Egyptian antiquity, the kiosk has undergone numerous cultural and historical transformations. To this day, architectural language refers to a freestanding pavilion open on several sides, originally located in palace gardens, as a kiosk. Starting from the 18th century, the development from exquisite building to mondial sales store began. Especially in the 20th century, this step is finally completed to the ordinary kiosk, which is spread all over the world. But how will the kiosk develop in the future? Does the kiosk have a future at all? Arthur Engelbert, a media scientist with a post-doctoral degree, answers these questions and presents a new perspective on the kiosk in the form of the Tokyo reading kiosk.

Hardcover | 138 pages
Tectum Verlag 2023
ISBN 978-3-8288-4918-1

The book is part of the series Scientific contributions from Tectum Verlag: Art History (Volume 17).

Pedestrian Republic



Pedestrian Republic | Republik der Fußgänger
The book is about different forms of movement. They are tested on the street, on the sidewalk. There is a serious leap here: the sidewalk changes. It is not the same one we know. We are increasingly dealing with a sidewalk on the Internet. This also affects a different form of movement. People click. It is no longer the foot that dictates locomotion, but the hand, in particular fingers, that perform the clicking movement. We are dealing with a change from walking to the virtual. This virtual space is not located in the virtual beyond. It is linked in real terms with the physical this world. We need this protective space. We already know this from the sidewalk. As pedestrians we are free. We determine the direction of the sidewalk in many ways. In the virtual world we are (still) disoriented. Although we know how to proceed from click to click, we as users have no security whatsoever.


Hardcover | 194 pages
Tectum 2022
ISBN 978-3-8288-4758-3

The book is part of the series Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Geschichtswissenschaft (Volume 53).


Der Blick und das Sagen



Der BLICK und das SAGEN – Zur Abkopplung des Ichs

The LOOK and the SAY- On the disconnection of the ego

The central thesis already sounds in the subtitle: “the disconnection of the ego”.
The uncoupling represents a necessary condition for the time-conditioned expansion. The present book reads like a plea for the fact that there can be no final decoupling.
If one is guided by technical parameters, a decoupling of earthly humanity by technology would be announced. In this scenario ‘artificial intelligence’ and advancing ‘machines’ seem to take power
This technological future scenario is currently predominant. If one follows the technological paradigm alone, a dialectic of connection and disconnection would be teleologically predetermined. This is vehemently contradicted in “Blick und Sagen”.


Softcover: 672 pages
Munic: edition Metzel 2020

Kunstlicht I Artificial Light



Arthur Engelbert and the participating artists will show how much time, space and art are interwoven by means of light walks, different forms of meditation and thematically changing acoustic and visual works of art. At three artistic events in Sicily, the idea of artificial light in its composite form is developed: At the solstice on June 21 each year, meditation was held in the Castello di Ficarra of the mountain village of the same name with a view of the rising sun. In the evening hours the opening of the artistic installations and photo exhibitions took place in Palazzo Milio, famous for its art exhibitions.
With contributions from: Timo Brüsewitz, Benjamin Flesser, Kai Gregor, Céline Keller, Volkhard Kempter and Marek Poźniak


Hardcover: 216 pages
Tectum Verlag, 2020
Bilingual: german/english


Ten attempts at contemporary art



This book is an attempt to reduce the experience of communicating contemporary art over the last two and a half decades to a few essential elements and to show the limits of the arts today. It contains a detailed introduction, this is the main part and every ten chapter is divided into three parts, in the end of the book you find a glossary of terms and a paragraph on impossible criticism.   On the basis of descriptions of selected works Coincidentia offers a representative overview of contemporary art. In connection with introductory radio plays and personally emphasised stories, these ten attempts break through the familiar pattern of engaging with art.   Artists: Guillaume Bijl, Jeff Koons, Marina Abramović, Jeff Wall, Louise Bourgeois, Bill Viola, James Turrell, Douglas Gordon, Olafur Eliasson


Paperback: 292 pages
Munich: Edition Metzel Verlag, 2018
Language: german
ISBN-10: 9783889601681
ISBN-13: 978-3889601681
ASIN: 3889601685


Vorschläge für ein anderes Lernen



Zum Inhalt: Lernen: Rahmenbedingen selbstständig festlegen. Alternativen zum schulischen Lernen, Tendenzen einer anderen Form der Mitteilung
Jede Schule, sei es eine Hochschule, eine Akademie, eine Fachhochschule oder Universität ist ein mentales und physikalisches Instrument der Ausbildung. Dieses institutionalisierte Instrument ist historisch gewachsen und kulturell unterschiedlich, je nachdem, welchem Land, welcher Sprache, sozialen Klasse oder welchem Geschlecht man angehört. Ohne solche gesellschaftlichen Stützen, auf die Menschen angewiesen sind, könnte niemand überleben. Im System der Schulen wird der Heranwachsende diszipliniert und auf Disziplinen vorbereitet, die er an weiterführenden Hochschulen ausdifferenziert. Allein der Abschluss zählt in dieser Differenzierungsfalle. Lernen selbst ist Nebensache. Über Plattformen in den digitalen Netzwerken kann jeder Zeitgenosse schon heutzutage genug Wissen erhalten, alles, bis auf ein staatlich anerkanntes Zertifikat. Mit diesem Schein wird der Eintritt ins Berufsleben geregelt. Warum eigentlich? Beziehungsweise wie lange noch? Das System der Hochschulen ist dabei, sich selbst abzuschaffen. Wer Spaß am Lernen hat, tut dies unabhängig von den anmaßend autoritären und langweiligen Hochschulen. Es ist die Stunde der Autodidakten und mutigen Dilettanten.


Hardcover: 226 pages
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2018
Language: german
ISBN-10: 9783848743148
ISBN-13: 978-3848743148
ASIN: 3848743140

Realität und Fiktion – Realtà e finzione

The world of Nino Indaimo



This book is about encounters that change the course of one’s life. This can happen on the street, basically everywhere. A passer-by goes by hastily. Where does he want to go? What does he have to do urgently? And then from one moment to the next the situation tips over. Am I not myself? Nobody would confuse Nino with me. We are too different. They look completely different. He speaks Italian. I speak German. We come from two different cultures. Nevertheless, something similar happens from moment to moment. Although Nino is a dancer and I am an author, we are working on the same ideas that transcend our culture. We transport our songs and stories from one country to another and discover where our place is. We can only understand ourselves through detours. We need the other who holds the mirror up to us.


Questo libro parla d’incontri che cambiano il corso normale delle cose. In fondo, questo può accadere in strada o in qualsiasi altro luogo. Un passante cammina velocemente. Dove sarà diretto? Cosa gli mette tanta fretta? E da un momento all’altro la situazione cambia. Nessuno avrebbe confuso Nino con me. Siamo troppo diversi. Fisicamente non ci assomigliamo per nulla. E poi lui parla italiano. Io tedesco. Veniamo da due culture lontane. In alcuni momenti tuttavia, traspare una certa somiglianza. Anche se Nino è un ballerino ed io un autore, stiamo lavorando sulle stesse Idee d’inter-culturalità. Trasportiamo le nostre canzoni e storie da un paese all‘altro e con ciò scopriamo qual è il nostro posto. Siamo in grado di capire noi stessi solo per vie traverse. Abbiamo bisogno degli altri che ci sostengano lo specchio


Hardcover: 140 pages
Verlag: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, 2017
Language: german, italian
ISBN-10: 9783828838550
ISBN-13: 978-3828838550
ASIN: 3828838553

Politik und Bild

A long-term study on perceptual transformations within the last three and a half decades

Artists: Collections of essays from different decades with references e.g. to the Digital Gallery in the Berlin Gemäldegalerie, to O. Winston Link, to Galileo Galilei by Fritz Cremer and much more ….

Abstract: The political today is confronted with the problem of necessarily recovering responsibility for the technical conditions of contemporary culture. Politics and images are aimed at readers who want to experience the relationship between politics and the visual media. It is a long-term study of the changes in perception of the present that were initiated by postmodernism on the one hand and computer culture on the other. The period under examination reveals a problem: The future was always occupied in advance. The texts on hand – many of them previously unpublished – refer to this: First, they provide independent contributions to the discourse worlds of contemporary art and media theory. Secondly, they refer to two complementary fields of practice that are characterised by the exhibition space and the digital space.

Politics and Images provide the reader with an overview of these changes. and Image Critical questions about the visualisation of data and the relationship between old and new visual media are in the foreground. The Gestaltung (design) and content of politics and images complement each other: the four decades are juxtaposed by four parts. The transitions between the individual four parts are used for reflections in order to better understand and assess the time periods dealt with. All the texts are presented in a fluent style of argumentation, loosened up with understandable transitions and summaries of contemporary history, numerous picture examples and tables, and supplemented by four collages that illustrate the past decades.

Hardcover: 680 pages
Marburg: Tectum Verlag 2016
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3828837417
ISBN-13: 978-3828837416

Notes on urban Kibbuz

Social imagination for a collective society



Content: The kibbutz renews itself, the social is reinvented with the help of cultural techniques.


Paperback: 143 pages
Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 2016
Language: german/english
ISBN: 978-3-8288-6445-0
(This title is also available as a printed book:
ISBN 978-3-8288-3719-5 erschienen.)

Die Treppe

A cultural historical and media critical study



In the central areas of the book, the reader is given an insight into the cultural and media history of the staircase. It begins with a philosophical essay on the staircase as an instrument of connection. This is followed by individual studies on the staircase motif. The focus is on examples from the arts. This results in comparisons of motifs and arguments about the migration of motifs along the stairs between old and new media. At the end there is a systematic summary of all the questions discussed. Great importance is attached to dialogue with the reader, which is also addressed graphically and specifically introduced to various subject fields, i.e. the visual complements the content of the argumentation.
The staircase is the continuous focus, which bundles the various aspects and intercultural discussion lines and facilitates condenser content. The reader is thus involved in the staircase study in a step-by-step process. In the alternation of motifs from the “Madonna of the Staircase” to the Staircase of Understanding, from section to section, there is an up and down like on a real spiral staircase that leads to heights and depths or culminates in spiral-shaped superimpositions, which throw light, among other things, on the development of the double helix. Thus the staircase is exemplary for the technical consciousness of man in the world for his position in evolution. With this wide understanding using the staircase as an example, the reader can, for example, critically classify the idea of the progression ladder. Sitting at the very top of the rung of the cosmic ladder, he can also consider a disconnection from here and now and there. The metaphor of the staircase is necessary in order to reach a very different level of reality, an event that nature does not yet know.


Paperback: 410 pages
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag, 2015
Language: german
ISBN-10: 382605525X
ISBN-13: 978-3826055256

Help! Mutual help.

A political outline of how we perceive today



To the publication: The concept of the autonomous individual is in crisis.
Cooperation and adaptation are necessary. But they require a critical design of living together with others from the individual. The historical concept of the “autonomous individual” is of little help here. Traditional knowledge of orientation and control proves to be obsolete for the dynamics of global coexistence. This narrows the individual’s scope for influencing social processes and his own lifestyle. What is the relationship between adaptation and self-determination today? How and where do I participate as an individual? In order to recognize scope and to change it with others, one has to cooperate. For this the individual needs models and examples of experience. This requires insight into the life perspective of others and a radical openness to all conceivable situations. Arthur Engelbert’s book takes up the anarchistic idea of mutual help in the context outlined and develops it further by incorporating current debates.

Mutual help is explained as an open model of “voluntary” cooperation between small groups in contrast to “dependent” cooperation. Examples are used to reflect on models of mutual help. Before one does anything, one must observe and think further, i.e. create meaning in execution with others, which expands the life context in a process-like way. In this context, concepts of consciousness are discussed which the individual can accept intellectually and practically in order to learn, think and act more self-confidently and independently together with others.

Mutual help is a political attempt for the individual to live self-determination independently in the group and thereby expand the horizon of communities.

The book is written in a scientifically demanding but very fluid style of argumentation and contains a detailed, readable annotation apparatus. It is addressed to every reader who asks the question of living together.


Paperback: 292 pages
Munich: Königshausen u. Neumann, 2012
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3826050177
ISBN-13: 978-3826050176

Global Images

A study on the practice of images. With a glossary of picture terms



We live in a time in which the generation and manipulation of pictorial processes seem to know no limits. With the rise of the digital visualization of data in the 1990s, images are no longer bound to a certain image format. What has changed in relation to traditional forms of distribution, archiving and perception?
The focus of this book is on the critical awareness of a cultural image practice. Arthur Engelbert’s interdisciplinary, media-scientifically weighted examination of numerous image formats and visualization processes shows that the use of optical information can provide clues as to how image events in the most diverse image media are interconnected in an open image system.


series: Metabasis, Vol. 8
Paperback: 216 pages
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2011
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3837616878
ISBN-13: 978-3837616873

Gegenseitige Hilfe – Mutual Help

A vision with instructions for small groups



The concept of the autonomous individual is in crisis. Cooperation and adaptation are necessary. But they require a critical design of living together with others from the individual. The historical concept of the “autonomous individual” is not very helpful.
Why help others? Who helps whom? Arthur Engelbert analyses the pros and cons of “mutual help” in order to work out problems and perspectives of mutual cooperation in small groups against the background of current social and cultural developments. It is not the individual, but the group in which people coordinate their motives and interests that is the focus of the discussion. “Mutual help” – an expression dating back to Petro Kropotkin – is a vision that begins in the present. It is based on the mutual selflessness and self-increase of the individual in small groups. Using examples and models, the author explains why “mutual help” is necessary and how it can be achieved.


Paperback: 86 pages
Publisher: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag; edition: 1., (1. January 2010)
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3828821480
ISBN-13: 978-3828821484

Der Hörraum – The Listening Room

Acoustic experiments and perspectives of sound space in the last fifty years



Without claiming to be complete, this is the first time that a general overview has been made of sound (Klang) developments running alongside one another with reference to architecture and urbanity, whereby the relationship between acoustics and space is suitable, above all from the current interest in making audible, to facilitate connections between hearing fields that are far apart. Therefore, this is also an interdisciplinary approach that attempts to bundle acoustic pioneering achievements and sound research (Klangforschungen) of the last fifty years in order to point out the preconditions for current perspectives of listening spaces.


Paperback: 64 pages
Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, 2009
Language: german
ISBN-10: 9783838102566
ISBN-13: 978-3838102566
ASIN: 3838102568


Cultures in Dialogue



This book presents an attempt to relate different aspects of culture to one another in order to answer the question of how intercultural dialogues take place. Factors such as “exchange”, “education”, “identity” or “social networks” determine the everyday preconditions of our culture, which we call “normal culture” and which will be discussed intermedially on the basis of examples from different discourses. A series of twelve factors were selected. They provide information on the cultural foundations of our culture. All the questions raised in this text revolve around and penetrate cultural preconditions, developments and perspectives with the only aim of rediscovering normal culture as a place of fantasy.


Paperback: 292 pages
Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2008
Language: german
ISBN 978-3-8260-3905-8


Ansichtssachen der Kunst – Views of Art



1) Arthur Engelbert
Views of Art
2) Arthur Engelbert
The Unculture of Intervention
3) Maike Pagel
Liquid Identities.The Invention of Cultural Identity by means of Hybridization
4) Wolf Borchers:
David Goldblatt. Fifty Years of South African History Observed by the Camera
5) Katharina Dietz
Francis Alÿs. Cultural and Medial Border Crossings in the „Global Village“. On the Relationship of Hearing and Seeing in the Contemporary Art
6) Sarah Miltenberger
China’s Contemporary Art. The Question of Collective Identities
7) Timo Kapeller
Institutional Memory. On the the documenta’s Remembrance and Forgetting. An Analysis of Works by Josef Beuys and Thomas Hirschhorn
8) Hermann Voesgen
Package Tour of Adventure?


Paperback: 250 pages
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag, 2005
Language: germanh/english
ISBN-10: 3826030222
ISBN-13: 978-3826030222

Bauen im Licht – Built in the Light.

A multimedia approach to Bruno Taut’s Glass House on CD-ROM


Distribution: Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 1996
Language: german/english
ISBN-10: 3936697000
ISBN-13: 978-3936697001

Conrad von Soest

A Dortmund painter around 1400

With numerous illustrations in b/w and colour, among them the pictures of the Wildunger Altar to unfold and a bibliography.


Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 1995
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3924302561
ISBN-13: 978-3924302566

Kunst im Schaltkreis – Art in circuits

Variation – Series – Simulation



Artists: among others Andy Warhol and Claude Monet


Paperback: 159 pages
Publisher: Arthur Engelbert and Hochschule der Künste Berlin
Language: german
ISBN 3-924206-96-1

Die Linie als Zeichnung – The line as drawing

Klee. Pollock. Twombly



Artists: The graphic work of Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock and Cy Twombly stands at the centre of the discussion.


Series: Kunst, Geschichte und Theorie
Paperback: 278 pages
Publisher: Die Blaue Eule Verlag, Essen 1985
Language: german
ISBN-10: 3924368767
ISBN-13: 978-3924368760