cultrans Ansichtssachen der Kunst – Views of Art Content: 1) Arthur Engelbert Views of Art 2) Arthur Engelbert The Unculture of Intervention 3) Maike Pagel Liquid Identities.The Invention of Cultural Identity by means of Hybridization 4) Wolf Borchers: David Goldblatt. Fifty Years of South African History Observed by the Camera 5) Katharina Dietz Francis Alÿs. Cultural and Medial Border Crossings in the „Global Village“. On the Relationship of Hearing and Seeing in the Contemporary Art 6) Sarah Miltenberger China’s Contemporary Art. The Question of Collective Identities 7) Timo Kapeller Institutional Memory. On the the documenta’s Remembrance and Forgetting. An Analysis of Works by Josef Beuys and Thomas Hirschhorn 8) Hermann Voesgen Package Tour of Adventure? Paperback: 250 pages Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag, 2005 Language: germanh/english ISBN-10: 3826030222 ISBN-13: 978-3826030222